Cairn View, Kemnay

Cairn View, Kemnay - Visit to River Don to identify tree species
Cairn View, Kemnay - Sandblasted pupil's drawing in Kemnay granite
Cairn View, Kemnay - Mary working with pupils on their drawings

Kemnay granite and landscaping
Client: Deveron Homes
Part of Aberdeenshire Council’s Percent for Art Scheme

For this commission Mary worked with Deveron Homes, their landscape architect and pupils at Alehouswells Primary School, Kemnay, to produce a scheme for a green area at the heart of a new housing development.

The project involved:

  • Visit with pupils to River Don to identify tree and shrub species that grow along its banks, to inform landscape design (Mary Bourne and Deveron Homes representative).
  • Session with pupils drawing animal species that live in the river (Mary Bourne).
  • Design scheme incorporating a local silver granite path in the shape of the River Don, sandblasted animals, granite boulders and planting of species identified by children (Mary Bourne/Ross Partnership Landscape Design).
  • Visit by children to local stone works to see their drawings being sandblasted and to learn about the stone industry. (Mary Bourne and Deveron Homes representative).
Cairn View, Kemnay - Visit to Fyfe Glenrock stoneworks to see drawings being sandblasted into granite
Cairn View, Kemnay - Ross Partnership's planting plan using the information about local native tree species gathered by pupils
Cairn View, Kemnay