Art of Farming

Mary Bourne - Art of Farming

Art of Farming was initiated and run by Live Life Aberdeenshire/Aberdeenshire Council in collaboration with Robert Gordon University and The National Farmers Union Scotland as a result of a shared interest in the role of creativity in promoting well-being in the farming community.

Mary Bourne and Lynne Strachan collaborated to work with the Central Aberdeenshire farming community, delivering art workshops at farms, agricultural shows and other farming sites. The culmination of the project was the installation of a piece of co-created public art at ANM Group’s Thainstone Agricultural Centre in Inverurie which celebrates the central role of farming in society.

Mary Bourne - Art of Farming
Mary Bourne - Art of Farming
Mary Bourne - Art of Farming
Mary Bourne - Art of Farming
Mary Bourne - Art of Farming
Mary Bourne - Art of Farming
Mary Bourne - Art of Farming
Mary Bourne - Art of Farming

Fire Forge and Furnace supported the project, preparing and casting the bronze medallions that form part of the public artwork.

Further information @art_of_farming